Tuff Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Posted: 6:33 AM, by gotw .



Available in classic and lemon scents

  • The tried and tested solution to cleaning tough toilet bowl stains
  • As effective or could even be more effective than the traditional muriatic acid used in many homes
  • Safe to use
  • Minimal toxic/hazardous fumes to deal with
  • Disinfects without producing as much harmful fumes that muriatic or hydrochloric acid leaves

To use: Apply the solution to the surface to be cleaned and let it stand for a few minutes then scrub or brush. The solution works like muriatic acid but is easier to handle.

Caution: The solution is a powerful acid and can severely affect the skin. It may not have as much fumes as muriatic acid but it also releases not so pleasant fumes. Ensure ventilation while using. Avoid inhaling the solution's fumes.

Compared to bleach, Tuff works better in removing stains and hard to remove mineral deposits (caused by water and grime) on toilet bowls and tiles. Also works better than Domex, Greenex, and Mr. Muscle.


  • P265.00 for the 1000 mL bottle
  • P136.00 for the 500 mL bottle

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